Winter hive preparation

Winter hive preparation As autumn comes to an end, winter hive preparation takes place. Hives have been put into winter […]
Winter hive preparation As autumn comes to an end, winter hive preparation takes place. Hives have been put into winter […]
Hive frame sterilisation with boiling washing soda solution This blog describes a simple process for hive frame sterilisation using a […]
Heat treatment during honey processing for a small-scale beekeeper This is the third blog in a series of three, which […]
Simple hygienic jarring of honey for a small-scale beekeeper This is the second blog in a series of three, which […]
Simple hygienic extraction of honey for a small-scale beekeeper This blog is the first in a series of three, which […]
Transfer of first grafted queen cells of the season into apidea mating hives After grafting larvae into cups ten days […]
Apis mellifera mellifera – using DNA testing to establish honey bee ancestry Results of DNA testing shows the queen I […]
Pollen Microscopy – taking a closer look at spring forage This weekend I have been using pollen microscopy to identify […]
First supers go on as colonies build up and Oil Seed Rape starts to flower The warm weather of last […]
Why do honey bees forage for water? There are three main reasons why honey bees forage for water. Dilution of […]